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keysweb.info Listings Policy
Our guidelines for free listings on this website. If it's in the Keys, we will list it.
Want a free link or a paid banner? go here

Click on our logo for more than 600 pages of Florida Keys information....if it's in the Keys - it's in here!  

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  Related Listings:    Want to link your site or run a banner?     Check out  our low fees!  

All local listings are free....

Any business, organization or other entity located* in the Florida Keys is eligible for a free listing. These listings provide the backbone of our service. Our viewers are just like you, they want all the information available, not just a few paid listings-if there are 10 Italian restaurants in town, we list all 10, not the one or two that paid us to appear on this web.
Just select the page you would like to appear on, use the add/edit e-mail link on the orange link bar and submit your listing:

Name                     (as you want it to appear)
Address                  (not required if you don't want it in)
Phone Number        (yes, we will put in additional 800 numbers, free)

If we don't have a readily identifiable category to put you in, we'll make one. If you have multiple businesses, such as a marina, bar, restaurant and hotel, we will list them all in their respective categories.

Typical FREE listing:
Speedy Joe's Restaurant, MM 102.520, Key Largo.....(305) 555-1212  (800) 555-1212




Small Print (rules)

The only real rule here is that you have to have a physical location for the area you are in, for example; you may be an electrician and service the whole Keys but your office is in Islamorada. We will list you for the upper Keys area, but will charge you to list in other areas (you will need an inexpensive banner ad that we will custom make for you). We are not hard to get along with, if you took the time and trouble to get a local phone number for Key West we will also list you in Key West at no charge.

With over 600 local pages, we rank number one on over 90% of them and are working real hard to get the number one spot on the rest. Our size and interlinking pages help here for our rankings with these search engines.

The buying public doesn't look at this site for fun (reading the phone book is fun?), they are looking for information to help make a buying decision - and computer users on-line have the buying power to afford a computer and pay a monthly access fee - these are your kind of folks!

We will link your website at no charge, however, you must give us a reciprocal link on your site first. If you don't have a links page - or ability to install a link on your website, you lose out.