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Florida Keys Dives - The Wreck North America
Four ships were registered as North America during the mid 19th century. One of them, built in Bath, Maine in 1833, is probably the wreck that lies immediately north of Delta Shoal in 14 feet of water. Admiralty Court records show that a three-masted, square-rigged vessel named North America was lost on November 25, 1842 in that location.

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Location 24° 38.270   81° 05.605
Immediately N of Delta Shoal
Markers spar buoy


Experience Level:  
Novice to Intermediate
History Admiralty Court records show that a three-masted, square-rigged vessel named North America was lost on November 25, 1842 in this location. Captain Hall and his crew were assisted for three days by local wreckers saving the dry goods and furniture on board.
Present Conditions The ship’s remains consist of a large section of wooden hull filled with ballast and partially buried in sand and turtle grass. Other features include cement between the frames, two cement barrels, and a few square copper spikes that held planking in place.
Sea-Life    grouper, lobster, crabs, snapper, blue tangs, wrasse, damselfish, hogfish, scorpionfish, moray eels, barracuda, and angelfish.
   turtle-grass, manatee-grass, anemones, sponges, fire coral, brain coral, sea whips, and sea plumes
Risks -
Local Dive Shops Marathon
Web Sources Wreck of the North America
Florida Maritime Heritage Trail - Historic Shipwrecks
View a map to the North America